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Stuart Kaplow brings his expertise and extensive experience to the table with his unique digital publication, "Green Building Law Update". Subscribers receive regular updates to keep them informed about important issues surrounding Environmental Law, Green Building & Real Estate Law, as well as the emerging demand for Environmental Social Governance (ESG).

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Recent Real Estate Law Articles

10Dec, 2017

Blockchain has come to Real Estate

By |Sunday, December 10th, 2017|Categories: Real Estate Law|

Earlier this fall an apartment in Kiev became the first real estate purchased using blockchain, portending a new era in the sale of land and improvements. It is suggested blockchain may do for the $217 trillion real estate market what the Internet did for communication. ...

24Jul, 2017

A Single Family Home in Maryland Cannot be Sold “As Is”

By |Monday, July 24th, 2017|Categories: Real Estate Law|

The question this law firm is asked most often about single family home sales is whether or not a house can be sold “as is.” The answer since a dramatic change in Maryland law effective October 1, 2005, is “no” a single family home cannot ...

7May, 2017

New Alcoholic Beverage Laws from the 2017 Session of the Maryland Legislature

By |Sunday, May 7th, 2017|Categories: Real Estate Law|

More than 2,881 bills were introduced in the 2017 Maryland General Assembly session of which more than 361 bills were enacted, including more than a few that will provide business opportunities for those engaging in the sale of alcoholic beverages

28Dec, 2015

GRESB is Huge with $2.3 Trillion in Real Estate so Follow the Money

By |Monday, December 28th, 2015|Categories: Real Estate Law|

Representing a huge share of the market capitalization of real estate across the globe, this year, 707 real estate companies and funds, with over 61,000 properties, having an aggregate value of $2.3 Trillion reported their environmental, social and governance information to Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB).

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