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Recent Land Use Law Articles

10Aug, 2000

Baltimore County Poised To Create New RC 6 and RC 7 Zones

By |Thursday, August 10th, 2000|Categories: Land Use Law|

Baltimore County is expected to enact legislation next month creating two new resource preservation zoning districts. RC 7 Zone The proposed RC 7 zone is intended to protect "valuable cultural, historic, recreational, and environmental resources" through significantly lowering residential densities and reducing the scale of ...

10Oct, 1999

Rezoning Deadline Looming In Baltimore County

By |Sunday, October 10th, 1999|Categories: Land Use Law|

Despite the upcoming November 1, 1999 application deadline for the Baltimore County year 2000 comprehensive zoning map process, only a handful of requests for rezoning have been filed. Only six petitions for zoning reclassification have been filed by property owners. Baltimore County itself has filed ...

10Aug, 1999

22 Bulls Beat Local Zoning Ordinance

By |Tuesday, August 10th, 1999|Categories: Land Use Law|

Dick Gradwohl wanted a bustling cattle ranch. Unfortunately his five acre spread in Washington lies in now suburban Kent County and local zoning laws restrict his herd to just two animals over 500 pounds. In a unique solution to this zoning restriction, Gradwohl started breeding ...

10Jul, 1999

Y2K Rezoning Comes Early In Baltimore County

By |Saturday, July 10th, 1999|Categories: Land Use Law|

Months before the ball drops at Times Square signaling the arrival of the Millennium, the year 2000 comprehensive zoning map process begins in Baltimore County. The year 2000 comprehensive rezoning actually commences August 1, 1999. All landowners - whether needing a zoning change for proposed ...

10Oct, 1998

New Permits For (Old) Historic Sites

By |Saturday, October 10th, 1998|Categories: Land Use Law|

Without any change in statute, Baltimore County has significantly altered the process of obtaining building permits for historic properties. The development regulations have provided, since 1978, at Code Section 26-278, that "historic structures or sites identified on any of the lists 'must be preserved.'" The ...

10Apr, 1998

Hunt Valley Timonium Plan Includes Rezoning

By |Friday, April 10th, 1998|Categories: Land Use Law|

The Hunt Valley/Timonium (HV/T) area has long been one of the key employment and commercial corridors in the Baltimore region. The 4,000 acre area, as designated by the Baltimore County Office of Planning in the proposed HV/T Master Plan, contains some of the most valuable ...

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